After a new installation of MobileAsset v7 EDU (not an upgrade from a general version), the software may display the field/screen names "Customer" and "Employee" rather than "Student" and "Staff". If this occurs, one of the database scripts did not run properly during installation.
To resolve this issue:
- Log in to Windows with administrative rights on the server machine.
- Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Wasp Technologies\MobileAsset\Database\WaspDBInstaller\InstallNew\Modify_Inserts_EDU.sql. This will open the SQL Server Management Studio,
- Log in to SQL Server Management Studio with the Authentication set to Windows Authentication. If authentication is not set, please change it to SQL Server Authentication and enter your SA credentials for Enterprise using full SQL, or contact Wasp Support for the WASPDBEXPRESS instances for Profession Edition installations password.
- Once the Management Studio is open, click the Execute button on the toolbar to update the database.
- Next, open the MobileAsset PC client and go to Administration > Customize Names > Customize Messages.
- Click the Reset Language Strings button at the bottom of the screen.