When you use Request Change from the WaspTime Web Portal, the Change Details are emailed to the manager, provided all of the following are true:
1. Under Edit Employee > Security for the employee, Weekly Time Card Requires: Employee Approval and Manager Approval must both be checked
2. Under Edit Employee > Personal for the employee, their email address must be filled in
3. Under Edit Employee > Personal for the manager, their email address must also be filled in
4. Under Tools > System Setup > Options > Setup Email must have your SMTP server information filled in
Given the above, the email will be sent to the manager, and will show as being From: the employee's email address. The change request will also be listed on the Incomplete Timecard Approvals report.
If Employee Approval was checked above but any of the other items were not filled in, the change request will still be listed on Incomplete Timecard Approvals, but it will not be able to be emailed.