These instructions for exporting time to QuickBooks are correct for QuickBooks 2010 and 2011. They supersede all prior sets of instructions. You no longer need to disable QuickBooks Payroll Services. You will need to be logged in to QuickBooks as Admin to change these settings, and you will need to have it open in Single User mode for the export to work properly.
In Quickbooks, in the Edit menu, Preferences..., go to Time & Expenses, Company Preferences tab, and make sure 'Do you track time?' is set to Yes.
Under Integrated Applications, Company Preferences tab, there should be a listing for Wasp Barcode Technologies - WaspTime. It should be checked, and if you go to Properties, it needs to be set to 'Allow this application to read and modify this company file', and 'Allow this application to access Social Security Numbers, customer credit card information, and other personal data'. Note: If WaspTime is not in this list, WaspTime has not established its connection to QuickBooks. To set this up, in WaspTime do Tools menu, Import, Import from QuickBooks, Next, Next. You should get a QuickBooks prompt; click the Yes option you prefer, check the box "Allow this application...", click Continue, then click Done. In WaspTime, click Cancel, then go back to QuickBooks.
Next, go to Employee Center. For each employee who will be receiving time from WaspTime, edit the employee, select Payroll and Compensation Info from the Change Tabs menu, and check the box for 'Use time data to create paychecks'.
In the Earnings group box are the Payroll Items in effect for that employee. These will be used later when setting the group’s regular, overtime and overtime 2 codes for the group that the employee is part of in WaspTime.
In WaspTime, if you have already set up Payroll Codes, make sure they are not named the same as the Payroll Items in Quickbooks. Then go to Tools, Import. Select Import from QuickBooks, then Payroll Items. After it tells you it was successful, you will need to edit each Group whose employees will be exported. On the Edit Group screens, go to the Overtime tab and select the Payroll Codes for Overtime 1, Overtime 2, and Regular Hours to match what was shown for the employees in Quickbooks. Make sure you “Apply changes to prior pay periods’ and select the number of pay periods you want this applied to. This will ensure that time in the timecards will use the correct payroll codes when exported to QuickBooks.
Go back to Tools, Import, Import from QuickBooks, select Employees. When it shows you the 'Preview of QuickBooks imports into WaspTime', you have the options for <Add New>, <Do Not Import>, or if you have already set up the employees in WaspTime manually, you can select them from the drop down list to match them. If you are doing a new import, employees that have been previously imported will be already selected on the list.
On the Payroll Settings tab of System Setup, make sure Export Type is set to QuickBooks Export.
On the Payroll Export, select a test employee that you know has time for the period selected, and do the export. If everything has been set properly, it should complete. The export process will tell you if any Payroll Codes have not been selected, but will not be able to tell if the selected codes were imported from Quickbooks.
After completing the export, go to QuickBooks's Employee Center, select the employee, click Enter Time, then Use Weekly Timesheet. Pick the week you've just exported, and the time should be shown. If it is, you are ready to begin the full export for the other employees. Note that this employee should either have the time deleted from QuickBooks, or be excluded from the full export, as QuickBooks will accept the same time for the same employee multiple times. This should only be an issue during testing, as once the procedure is in place, you are less likely to do multiple exports for the same pay period.