Applies to InventoryControl v7, MobileAsset v7
Some users attempting to install Wasp programs that use SQL Server 2008 R2 Express on military/government hard drive images are unsuccessful. Due to restrictions placed on the OS, SQL Server simply will not install properly, and gives Error 1814 when attempting to start the SQL Server service.
Some of these users have been able to use an off-the-shelf OS image, and SQL and our program installed successfully; you might try that to see if it will work for you.
Here are some notes from a military customer who was able to get SQL installed and running successfully:
The root of the issue seems to have been with the password complexity requirements. For the password to work correctly the following procedures were used:
-In the Security Settings\Account Policies\Password Policy the "Password must meets complexity requirements" was temporarily set to "Disabled".
-in the Registry HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\Notification Packages the DISA required "EnPasFltV2x64.dll" entry was temporarily deleted.
Additional actions taken that may or may not have been factors:
-User Access Control (UAC) was temporarily disabled.
-The following Local Policies were given administrator privileges:
-Backup files and directories
-Debug Programs
-Manage ing and security log
The software was then installed with "Run as Admin" rights without issue. Once the install is complete, all STIG required controls can be reset to their original findings without requiring any software configuration changes or affecting the operation of the software.