When printing more than 10 labels at a time from a list view to a form that has more than 10 labels per page, after the 11th label it will begin printing a single label per page with an error: "'BarCode1': Error = 32520".
To resolve the error, please go into Start, Run, Regedit, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wasp Technologies\InventoryControl\Options. (*) On the right hand pane, right click and select New, DWORD Value. Name it "In Count" without quotes. Right click on In Count and select Modify. Set it to Decimal, and set the value to 1 less than the number of labels per sheet on the form you are using.
I.e., if the labels are 3 across and 10 down, that's 30 labels per sheet, so the registry value would need to be set to 29.
Since this is a change in the Current User tree of the registry, it will need to be done while logged in to Windows as the user who is printing the labels.
Print Preview will still give the error if you try to preview more than 11 labels, so if you want to check your spacing, etc, select just a few labels for print preview, then go back and select all of the records you wish to print and print them without trying to preview.
*: These instructions are written for InventoryControl, but the same issue may occur in Mobile Asset. In that case, the registry entry would need to be created in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wasp Technologies\MobileAsset\Options.