When starting the Audit process, start by specifying a filter: Site & Location, and optionally an Asset Type and Category.
What does the Audit Start Time setting do?
The Audit Start Time filter setting affects what assets appear in the Select Assets list below. (Note that this is NOT used to set the Last Audit Date of the assets being audited -- a common misconception.) The purpose of Audit Start Time is to prevent duplication of work, by keeping already-audited assets out of the list.
How this works:
1. If the Last Audit Date (and time) of an asset is blank or earlier than the specified Audit Start Time, it will show up in the Select Assets list.
2. If the Last Audit Date is later than the Audit Start Time, it will not show up in the list.
What date/time is set in the assets' Last Audited Date?
When the Audit button is pressed, for any selected assets, the Last Audited Date is set to the current date/time of the PC (or mobile device). (This is unaffected by the Audit Start Time setting.)
How can I set the Last Audited Date to a specific date/time?
The only way to set the Last Audit Date to a specific date is to change the date/time of the PC or mobile device, then complete the audit transaction.