If you are seeing duplicate assets on the asset list, check to see if they are checked out.
There was an issue with an older version where if an asset was checked out, and then checked out to another person without first being checked in, or without using Transfer Check Out, it would cause the asset to be displayed on the list once for each active Check Out transaction. When you Check In the asset, it will set all of the active transactions to inactive, and the list will go back to displaying the asset only once.
The current patch, available from http://www.waspbarcode.com/auto_updates/mobileasset_update.asp , will prevent this from occurring for any new Check Out transactions. Any existing assets that are displayed this way will continue to show up more than once until they are checked in.
(Note that this issue will only produce exact duplicates on the asset list. If you are showing duplicate asset tag numbers with different details, that is a different issue. Please contact tech support so we can investigate your database to find the cause.)