With the Enterprise edition of Mobile Asset, you are able to create multiple company databases using the Database Manager utility. Access to these databases is granted based on the username and password you provide at the login prompt.
If you enter a username and password that are in multiple databases, you will be presented a list of the available databases you have access to log into, and you select which one to open.
If you have a username that exists in more than one database, but the password is different, you will only be allowed to access those databases that match the password you entered.
For example, the Admin username has no password by default. If you create a password for that user in the original database, then create a second database, the second database will have a blank password for the Admin username. If you enter Admin for the username and enter your password, you will automatically be logged in to the original database. If you enter Admin with no password, you will be logged in to the new database. After logging in to the new database, if you create a password for the Admin user and it is the same password as was used in the original database, then you will from then on be prompted which database to open.