The MigrateLabels conversion tool is designed to convert label files from v6 to v7.
Will it work on earlier version label files? Maybe. If there are errors on some files, the error files can be converted manually to v6 format. Then the conversion tool can be used on those v6 files.
The conversion tool is "as-is"; there is no warranty or support for the conversion tool. Not all earlier-version label files are able to converted; the only workaround is to manually recreate them in Labeler v7.
Download the linked file,
Extract it to the Labeler program directory, which by default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Wasp Technologies\Wasp Labeler V7. The file MigrateLabels.exe must be in the same location as WaspLabelerV7.exe to work properly.
Open a command prompt window and enter these commands:
cd "\Program Files (x86)\Wasp Technologies\Wasp Labeler V7" <-switches directories to the program directory
MigrateLabels.exe *.lab <-converts all v6 labels in the current directory
MigrateLabels.exe C:\my\path\to\lab\files\*.lab <-converts all v6 labels in the specified directory
You may need to adjust your paths or filenames to reflect the correct paths and filenames.