The Bookland EAN barcode is used internationally to identify books as well as video and audio cassettes and software. The unique number assigned to each item is the International Standard Book Number (ISBN). If you are a new publisher and need one or more ISBNs, the agency responsible for assigning these numbers in the USA is: Bowker/Martindale-Hubbell 121 Chanion Road New Providence, NJ 07974 telephone: 908-665-6770 or 877-310-7333 (toll free) fax: 908-665-3502 The international agency is: International Standard Book Number Agency Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz Posdamer Strasse 33 D-1000 Berlin 30 Germany telephone: (49) 030-2661 (ext. 2338, 2498).
An ISBN is a 10-digit number which is made up of: Group identifier (1 digit, typically 0 or 1 for English-speaking countries) Publisher identifier Title identifier Check digit The total length of the publisher and the title identifier is 8 digits. When an identifier is assigned to a publisher, the ISBN agency takes into account the number of titles which the publisher believes will be needed. Larger publishers are given a shorter publisher identification number in order to make more digits available for title identification.
Here is a sample ISBN from a publisher (ID number 55615) who has been assigned 3 digits for use as title identifiers: ISBN 1-55555-123-3 ISBNs are printed on books using the EAN-13 barcode symbology. In normal use, the first two or three digits of an EAN-13 barcode identify the country of origin. The country prefixes 978 and 979 were set aside for 'Bookland' (only the 978 prefix is in current use).
To print an ISBN as a Bookland EAN barcode, add the 978 prefix at the front of the ISBN and remove the ISBN check digit from the end; an EAN check digit will be added in its place. The ISBN check digit 2 is replaced by the EAN check digit 6. The Bookland EAN barcode may be followed by a 5-digit add-on supplemental code which contains the suggested retail price. A supplemental code of 90000 indicates that the book has no suggested retail price. Publishers may use supplemental numbers in the range 90001 to 98999 for internal purposes. Complimentary copies of books are marked 99991. The National Association of College Stores uses 99990 to mark used books.
An ISBN is a 10-digit number which is made up of: Group identifier (1 digit, typically 0 or 1 for English-speaking countries) Publisher identifier Title identifier Check digit The total length of the publisher and the title identifier is 8 digits. When an identifier is assigned to a publisher, the ISBN agency takes into account the number of titles which the publisher believes will be needed. Larger publishers are given a shorter publisher identification number in order to make more digits available for title identification.
Here is a sample ISBN from a publisher (ID number 55615) who has been assigned 3 digits for use as title identifiers: ISBN 1-55555-123-3 ISBNs are printed on books using the EAN-13 barcode symbology. In normal use, the first two or three digits of an EAN-13 barcode identify the country of origin. The country prefixes 978 and 979 were set aside for 'Bookland' (only the 978 prefix is in current use).
To print an ISBN as a Bookland EAN barcode, add the 978 prefix at the front of the ISBN and remove the ISBN check digit from the end; an EAN check digit will be added in its place. The ISBN check digit 2 is replaced by the EAN check digit 6. The Bookland EAN barcode may be followed by a 5-digit add-on supplemental code which contains the suggested retail price. A supplemental code of 90000 indicates that the book has no suggested retail price. Publishers may use supplemental numbers in the range 90001 to 98999 for internal purposes. Complimentary copies of books are marked 99991. The National Association of College Stores uses 99990 to mark used books.