In Labeler v5 and later versions, the Print dialog offers two options for controlling the number of copies to print for each record in an External Data Source:
Number of Copies can be specified as Manual from User or Dynamic From Column in Data Source.
Manual from User allows the user to specify how many copies you want of each unique label. (For example, if your External Data Source has 500 records, entering a Number of Copies value of 2, instead of using the default value, 1, you will cause two of each of those 500 labels to be printed, for a total of 1000 physical labels.) When a value greater than 1 is specified for Number of Copies, the copies can optionally be printed As consecutive labels (two copies of the first label, two copies of the second label, etc.). The default (option disabled) will print one complete set of labels, then a second set, etc. until the Number of Copies value has been satisfied.
Dynamic From Column in Data Source, when selected, presents a "Column" button with which you must select the column in your data source Labeler will use to determine the number of copies of each label to print. Edit this column in your External Data Source to specify the number of copies to print of each record before doing the Print.