This procedure details the steps needed to install the InventoryControl v7 RF/Wifi mode program to the WDT92 mobile device over a data cable.
1. Connect the device via USB to the InventoryControl client PC, so that it shows as connected in Windows Mobile Device Center. If needed, troubleshoot with procedures documented elsewhere.
2. On the PC:
Use Windows File Explorer to navigate to the following path (to see the mobile device CAB files):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Wasp Technologies\InventoryControl\PocketPC\
Select the following file, then right-click & copy:
3. Still in the PC's Windows File Explorer, navigate to the following path on the mobile device, then right-click Desktop, then Paste:
4. On the device:
You should see the file icon appear on the device's desktop screen.
5. Double-tap the file. Tap Yes to continue on the message about "Unsupported System Version".
6. In the screen asking where to save the file, do not change anything; just tap the OK button at the upper right corner.
7. When complete, the device's desktop should show the RF Inventory Control icon, but it's not ready to run yet.
8. On the PC:
Use Windows File Explorer to navigate to the following path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Wasp Technologies\InventoryControl\PocketPC\
Right-click the file ServiceInfo.Config, then Copy.
9. Use Windows File Explorer to navigate to this mobile device path:
\Program Files\InventoryControlRF
Right-click the InventoryControlRF folder, then Paste.
10. Optional: If you intend to print from the mobile device, InventoryControl's usual setup process offers several choices:
These choices yield a configuration file with several sets of contents. On the PC, download the file below that corresponds to your choice, then extract and transfer it to the device, with the same process and path as the ServiceInfo.config file (described above).
Yes, I will be printing with a network printer.
Yes, I will be printing with a Label Mobile Printer.
Yes, I will be printing with a Receipt Mobile Printer.
11. If you need to connect the WDT92 to a wifi network, see the link below in Related Pages: "WDT92 connection to wifi network".
12. After RF InventoryControl has been installed, and the device is connected to a wifi network that can communicate with the PC running Wasp Inventory Windows Service, RF InventoryControl is ready to use.