If you need to add a corporate logo or a small amount of additional text to the printed Purchase Order, Packing Slip, Pick Order, or Receiver, download https://dl.waspbarcode.com/wasp/supportfiles/ImageStorage.zip and extract it on the server machine.
Run this exe, click Connect to Database, input the correct connection information for your server, and set Logon Id to InventoryUser and Password to Mobile@07Mobile@07, then click OK. A table of rows will be shown. Select one row and click the update image or update text button.
The Update Image button asks you for a file. Select your logo file. The logo file must be a .JPG file and should be around an inch high maximum. This size depends on the picture file's number of pixels and the DPI. A free tool that can display and change these values is IrfanView (http://www.irfanview.com); use the Image menu, Information. If needed, download https://dl.waspbarcode.com/wasp/supportfiles/ImageStorageExamples.zip to see images and the resulting output at various sizes.
The Update Text button will allow you to put in 256 characters of text that will be displayed at the bottom of the specified report.
This tool is provided in ALPHA form and is not currently supported like a released product. If you have problems please report them but we can not promise a quick fix.
If you need to remove an image you have loaded using this utility, please refer to this article:
InventoryControl v7 - I need to clear pictures I added to the reports using the ImageStorage utility