If you are having issues with services not being able to start or stopping once they are started, you may have a conflict for the port number the service is attempting to use. Before reconfiguring the service to a different port, you should check and see what ports are in use. If it is determined that the Wasp service needs to be moved to a different port, please search the knowledge base for your particular product or contact Wasp Support.
There is a utility from Microsoft called TCPView that you can use to do this more easily than using command line entries. Download the utility from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897437 and follow their instructions to install and use it.
The default ports for the Wasp services are:
WaspTimeServer (all versions) ---- 10002
Wasp License Manager (InventoryControl v4/5, Mobile Asset v5/6) ---- 10000
Wasp Inventory Windows Service (InventoryControl v6/7) ---- 10004 and 10005
Wasp MobileAsset Windows Service (MobileAsset v7) ---- 10006, 10007, 10008
This utility is part of a larger suite called Sysinternals, which you can also view from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb842062 . Some of these utilities would allow you to damage your Windows installation, so use with caution if you are not sure what you are doing.