To enable Code 39 Full ASCII you will need to enter Supervisor Mode on the WDT2200.
With power off, hold down the CMD and the LEFT ARROW keys at the same time, then press the power button, too.
Select 1 for Supervisor on the next screen.
Password: Type in 2200
Select 1. DEV
Select 3. Barcode
Code 39 is ON
Press Enter to move to the next screen.
This screen enables you to turn FULL ASCII on and off. Press the left and right arrow keys to change this option.
Once you have selected ON for FULL ASCII, hit ESC on your keypad then press ESC again on the next screen.
Select ESC again to get back to the WDT2200 v1.x MEM2500 KB screen.
Hold down the CMD button for two seconds. This will bring up the command screen.
Select 1. RUN