WaspTime v7: Timecard Approval notes on setup and procedure.
These notes augment the Help files in WaspTime (PC) and WaspTime Web (browser interface).
Initial one-time process for Setting Up Timecard Approvals: WaspTime Help, Using WaspTime, Timecards: Viewing/Editing, Approvals, Setting Up Timecard Approvals section.
Other notes:
The Login Required box must be checked (in Settings, Options). See below for logged errors if this isn't checked.
If you want to use the emailing features, the Admin, Manager, and Employees must have their email addresses populated in their Employee details, Personal tab.
If you want Employees to approve their timecards, they must have a Login name and Password specified on their Security tab, which will be used to log into WaspTime Web. Setup of WaspTime web is not covered in this article.
Requesting Timecard Approvals (repeated process): WaspTime Help, Using WaspTime, Timecards: Viewing/Editing, Approvals, Using Timecard Approvals section. Note: Log into WaspTime (PC, not web) as an Admin (the Manager users can't see the Tools menu).
Other notes:
After clicking the Request Approval button: If successful...
1. You see the message: "The selected employees now have pending approvals for the selected weeks."
2. Employees receive this message in email: "Please review and approve or request changes for timecard for the week of 6/16/2019 (2400)"
3. Managers receive this message in email: "Please review and approve or make changes to your employees timecards for the week(s): 6/16/2019 (2400)"
If Request Approval is unsuccessful, the message and emails do not appear. Check the WaspTime Server Service log file for error messages:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Wasp Technologies\WaspTime\WaspTimeServer.log
How to approve timecards
1. The Employee logs into WaspTime Web (or follow the link sent in the email for the timecard approval request).
2. Click on Timecard Approvals.
3. Select the week for which they are attempting to approve or make a change request.
4. To request a change, click the radio button for "Request Change". Then fill out the "Change Details" text box and then click Submit.
5. The Supervisor logs in to the WaspTime PC program (not Web). Run the Incomplete Timecard Approvals Report with the appropriate pay period date range selected. This will show any change requests submitted as a note on that report. (The change requests do not appear anywhere other than this report.)
6. Use this report to tell which timecards need modification and how. Make the changes, click "Save" and then "Approve".
7. WaspTime prompts for the week the approval should apply to. Select the one that applies, as well as the "Approve" radio button, then "Save".
8. The Employee logs into WaspTime Web and Approves their timecard for that week.
9. After this, the Employee should no longer show up on the Incomplete Timecard Approvals Report.
If the employee does not enter a note of the Change Details in Step 4 above, or they do not approve their timecard for the week in Step 8, then the Incomplete Timecard Approvals Report will not show any text regarding such changes.
If you do Tools menu, Request Approval but don't get the "pending approvals" message, and the following errors appear in C:\Program Files (x86)\Wasp Technologies\WaspTime\WaspTimeServer.log, this is because Login Required is unchecked (in Settings, Options). This needs to be turned on so that the logged-in Admin user's email address will be used as the sender.
2019-09-30 15:33:50.902 14 ERROR | Exception in SendMail: No sender found in the message.
2019-09-30 15:33:50.927 14 ERROR | System.ArgumentException: No sender found in the message.