When attempting to communicate with older model bioclocks from WaspTime v7, you may receive the following error:
Device Communication Error. Please check the clock settings including fingerprint algorithm version. Go to Clock Setup Window, select the clock, click Edit, check all the clock settings and click Save to sync these settings to the clock.
but when you open the Edit Clock screen, the option to change the fingerprint algorithm is greyed out.
To correct this, on the machine that is running the WaspTime database, download and extract https://dl.waspbarcode.com/wasp/supportfiles/UpdateClockAlgorithm.zip
The zip file must be extracted, and the files must be on a local drive to the server (not on a network drive letter or UNC path).
Run UpdateDB.bat to assign the algorithm 9.0 to all clocks which do not currently have an algorithm set. This should prevent the Device Communication Error you were experiencing.
If you are still unable to upload the fingerprints to the other clocks after running this, please send us the wql.log file that will be created in the directory where UpdateDB.bat was run.