If there is ambiguity between the listed specs and your card specs, you can start a Tech Support ticket and send us a sample of your timecard so that we can test with our hardware to confirm whether they work.
What are the specifications of the timecards used by Wasp timeclocks?
HD350 & HD300: HID proximity: 125 kHz, 26-Bit Format H10301 unencrypted Wiegand cards, which is an industry-standard open format. This clock also can decode some 34-bit cards; however compatibility may vary from different card vendors. The best search for compatible cards is "HID 26-Bit Format H10301".
RF250 & RF200: RFID: 125 kHz FSK (which is a type of anti-collision decoding circuit).
If you are having custom barcode cards printed, make sure the barcode is printed with no additional lamination layers on top of the bars that would add any reflectivity, as that may interfere with the optical reader's ability to scan the barcodes.