Printing tags for your Styles is not as straightforward as printing tags for Products, due to the interaction of the Sizes and Colors.
From the Styles list, if you select a style and click F9 - Print Tags, the number of tags added to the queue will be equal to the stock on hand for that style.
E.g., I have style set up for Men's Polo, with sizes Sm, M, and L, and colors Blue and Red. The Styles tab shows the style twice, one line for color Blue, the other line for color Red. When I highlight Blue and switch to the Stock for Color tab, the In Stock column shows that I have 5 Sm, 2 M, and 0 L. If I go back to Styles and select Red, then Stock for Color, I have 0 for all three sizes.
On the Styles list, if I highlight Blue and click F9 - Print Tags, 7 tags are added to the queue: 5 for Sm, 2 for M. If I highlight Red and click Print Tags, 0 tags are added to the queue.
If I want to print tags for a size/color that I don't have any stock on hand for, or if I want to print a different number of tags than the quantity in stock, that needs to be done from the Stock for Color tab, and it will work the same as printing tags for Products. Highlight the Style/Color you want on the Styles tab and switch to the Stock for Color tab. Highlight the correct size and click Print a Tag. Each click will add 1 to the tag queue. If you need to print a large number of tags, you can set a number of copies when printing the queue, up to 5 copies. I.e., to print 16 tags, hit Print Tags 4 times, then on the printer selection screen, set it to print 4 copies.