*These steps are for Mobile Asset v4 or v5. For Mobile Asset v6, pleaseĀ use this article:
MobileAsset: Database Server's machine name has changed, now Mobile Asset will not open
On the workstations, go into the registry editor and browse to folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WaspTechnologies\MobileAsset\Options
There are 2 keys that need to be modified. The Server key will read <servername>\WaspDB or <servername>\waspdbexpress. The License Server key will be just the server name.
After changing those two keys, close the registry editor and go to the Control Panel. Go into Administrative Tools, then Data Sources (ODBC). In that window, go to the System DSN tab and double click on MobileAsset. On the bottom line of that screen is the server selection. Point it to the new server name\waspdb or name\waspdbexpress, to match the registry. Click next through the rest of the screens, then Finish. Click on Test Data Source and make sure the window that comes up says TESTS COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY! Click OK on those windows and close the Control Panel. It should now be all set up properly.