1. Add a New Sale
a. Select Special Order as the Type.
b. Click F4 Get Cust button located on the right of the window to launch the Customer Search window.
c. Use the Customer Search window to select the customer. (Press F2-New at the bottom to add a new customer.)
d. Once the customer is selected you're returned to the sale screen. Scan the drop ship item.
e. Click F Payment to complete the Special Order sale.
2. Create a New PO (The item must on a separate PO, shipped from the vendor to the customer's shipping address.)
a. Click Purchase Order at the bottom left of the window
b. Select New Purchase order
c. Select the vendor for the special order item.
d. Scan in the special ordered item.
e. Click the F4-Customer button located on the right of the window and select the customer.
f. Click OK to finish adding the PO.
3. Allocate the Special Order/ PO
a. From the Purchase Order list click F3-Spec's Open on the right of the window
b. Select the desired special order from the Specials Not Ordered tab then click F2-Show PO's
c. Select a Purchase Order to Allocate to the Special Order Item and click F2-Allocate
d. Click Yes to complete the allocation
The PO will now show -Drop Ship to Customer