In the Google Chrome browser, attempting to run reports and/or print labels in Wasp's products AssetCloud and InventoryCloud produces one or more errors with the following verbiage (showing the customer-specific name instead of "tenant"):
[tenant] says
The stream is not a GZip file
[tenant] says
The stream is not a GZip file
The report is not found.
The logged-in user's Cloud system username appears in the Page field in the toolbar.
Google Chrome's built-in username/password autofill feature has changed how it operates internally (about March 14, 2019).
Workaround: Remove the credentials Chrome has saved, and do not save them for the website.
In Chrome's toolbar at the upper right, click the 3-Dots/hamburgers button, Settings.
Autofill section, click Passwords.
In the Saved Passwords section, click the 3-Dots button directly to the right of the affected tenant, then Remove.
In the future, if Chrome prompts to save the password again, click the Never button, which will put the website into the Never Saved section of Chrome's Passwords list.
Additional Information:
Testing with 3rd-party password-management extensions LastPass and Norton Password Extension indicates that they enable saving of credentials, but do not produce the GZip error. Other extensions may work as well.
Wasp continues to investigate a solution that allows saving the password within Chrome.