Symptom: When attempting to perform a transaction to multiple Assets or Items at the same time, I can only select and apply the transaction to 50 records (Assets or Items) at a time, even with the number of records per page increased to 500.
Cause: This limit was initially put in place to prevent a situation of the system becoming locked by trying to process too many records at a time.
Resolution: To increase the limit, you will need to edit a file on the server machine. Browse to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WaspMVC\Config, then edit dev.config. If your system doesn't already have .config files associated with a program, you can use Notepad or a similar text editor for this purpose.
Search the file for this line: <add key="MaxTransactionBatchSize" value="50" />
Change the 50 to 500, then save and close the file.
Next, open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. In the Connections page, click the > to expand first the server name, then Sites. Click WaspMVC to select it, then on the right, click Stop. Wait about 10 seconds, then click Start.
Reopen the Wasp web page, and it should now allow you to apply the transactions to all records displayed on the grid at once.