This article applies to WaspTime.
Usually if the program is able to open on the server machine but not on any client machines, and firewall has already been ruled out as a cause of the blockage, it is caused by there being multiple SQL instances on the server machine. By specifying a port number for the clients to use, they can be directed to the correct instance.
1. On the server machine, go to Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration Tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager. Click the + next to SQL Server 2005 Network Configuration, then click on Protocols for WASPDBEXPRESS. On the right hand pane, right click TCP/IP and go to Properties.
On the Protocol tab, it should say Enabled Yes. If it is No, switch it to Yes, then Apply and OK, and try connecting from the client machine again.
On the IP Address tab, scroll down to the section for IPAll, and make note of the number for TCP Dynamic Ports, then close out of those windows.
2. Go to Start > Run, enter regedit. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wasp Technologies\WaspTime5\Options, or if it is a 64-bit machine, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Wasp Technologies\WaspTime5\Options. Right click on Server and select Modify. The value will currently be <server>\WASPDBEXPRESS. We need to add a comma, then the port number from Step 1, for example:
Note: Enter the port number you determined in Step 1. 1055 is just an example.
3. In Start > Run, enter services.msc and click OK. In the services list, scroll down to WaspTimeServer. Right click it, select Stop, and wait about 20 seconds. Then right click it and select Start. After it has started, wait about 20 more seconds before attempting to start one of the clients.
After this, you should be able to connect from the client machines.
If you don't feel comfortable with editing the registry or any of the other steps outlined above, please involve your IT department, or contact Wasp Support at 866-547-9277 option 2, or submit a support ticket at to schedule a time for us to set up a remote connection with the machine to assist you through the process.